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GB/T 堆焊焊条 Covered electrodes for hardfacing

GB/T 气焊、手工电弧焊及气体保护焊焊缝坡口的基本形式与尺寸 Basic for跑步机ms and sizes of weld grooves for gas welding manual arc welding and gas-Shielded arc welding

GB/T 埋弧焊焊缝坡口的基本形式和尺寸 Basic forms and sizes of weld grooves for submerged arc welding

GB/T 铸造铝合金 Casting aluminium alloys

GB/T 铸造轴承合金 cast bearing metals

GB/T 铸造铜合金技术条件 Specification for cast copper alloys

GB/T 铸造镁合金 Casting magnesium alloys

GB/T 球墨铸铁件 Spheroidal graphite iron castings

GB/T 铬镍奥氏体不锈钢焊缝铁素体含量测量方法 Determination of the weldign seam iron element contentin chromium,nickel austenitic stainless steel

GB/T 不锈耐酸钢铸件技术条件 Stainless acid-resistant steel castings--Specifications

GB/T 焊接接头机械性能试验取样方法 Methods of sampling for mechanical properties tests of welded joint

GB/T 焊接接头冲击试验方法 Method of impact test for welded joint

GB/T 焊接接头拉伸试验方法 Method of tensile test for welded joint

GB/T 焊缝及熔敷金属拉伸试验方法 Method of tensile tests for weld and deposited metal

GB/T 焊接接头弯曲及压扁试验方法 Methods of bend and compression tests for welded joint

GB/T 焊接接头及堆焊金属硬度试验方法 Methods of hardness tests for welded joint and surfacing metal

GB/T 焊接接头应变时效敏感性试验方法 Method of strain-age sensibillity test for welded joint

GB/T 焊缝金属和焊接接头的疲劳试验法 Weld beads metal and welds--Fatigue test

GB/T 铸造用原砂及混合料试验方法 Foundry sands and sand mixtures for casting--Method of testing

GB/T 中锰抗磨球墨铸铁件技术条件 Specification for medium manganese wear-resistant spheroidal iron castings

GB/T 焊接术语 Welding terminology

GB/T 铝及铝合金焊条 Coated electrodes for aluminium and aluminium alloys

GB/T 铜及铜合金焊条 Coated electrodes for copper and copper alloys

GB/T 涂料焊条效率、金属回收率和熔敷系数的测定 Covered electrodes--Determination of the efficiency, metal recovery and deposition coefficient

GB/T 普通螺纹量规 Gauges for general purpose screw threads

GB/T 熔敷金属中扩散氢测定方法 Methods for determination of diffusible hydrogen in deposited metal 29 GB/T 4675. 焊接性试验 斜Y型坡口焊接裂纹试验方法 Weldability testing--Method of Y-groove cracking test

GB/T 4675. 焊接性试验 搭接接头(CTS) 焊接裂纹试验方法 Weldability testing--Method of controlled thermal severity cracking test

GB/T 4675. 焊接性试验 T型接头焊接裂纹试验方法 Weldability testing--Method of cracking test for welded tee joint

GB/T 4675. 焊接性试验 压板对接(FISCO) 焊接裂纹试验方法 Weldability testing--Method of FISCO cracking test

GB/T 4675. 焊接性试验 焊接热影响区最高硬度试验方法 Weldability testing--Testing method of maximum hard ness in weld heat-affected zone

GB/T 机械制造工艺基本术语 General terminology of machine-building technology

GB/T 碳钢焊条 Carbon steel covered electrodes

GB/T 低合金钢焊条 Low alloy steel covered electrodes

GB/T 金属焊接及钎焊方法在图样上的表示代号 Welding, brazing, braze welding and soldering of metals--List of processes for symbolic representation on drawings

GB/T 碳素钢埋弧焊用焊剂 Fluxes for the submerged arc welding of carbon steel

GB/T 铸钢牌号表示方法 Code for representing cast steels

GB/T 铸铁件热处理状态的名称、定义及代号 The designations definitions and symbols for heat treatment tempers of iron castings

GB/T 铸钢件热处理状态的名称、定义及代号 The designations, definitions and symbols for heat treatment tempers of steel castings

GB/T 一般工程用铸造碳钢 Cast carbon steels for general engineering purposes

GB/T 铸钢件射线照相及底片等级分类方法 Methods of radiographic testing and classification of radiographs for steel castings

GB/T 铸造合金光谱分析取样方法 The method for sampling cast alloys for spectrochemical analysis

GB/T 钎料型号表示方法 Filler metal for soft soldering and brazing--Designation

GB/T 灰铸铁冲击试验方法 Grey cast iron impact test

GB/T 影响钢熔化焊接头质量的技术因素 Technical factors influencing the quality of the fusion welded joints in steel

GB/T 金属熔化焊焊缝缺陷分类及说明 Classification of imperfections in metallic fusion welds, with explanations

GB/T 铜基钎料 Copper base brazing filler metals

GB/T 工程结构用中、高强度不锈钢铸件 Medium and high strength stainless steel castings for engineering structure purposes

GB/T T型角焊接头弯曲试验方法 Method of bend test for T type fillet welded joint

GB/T 铸造用硅砂化学分析方法 Meth辅助设备ods for chemical analysis of silica sand for foundry

GB/T 灰铸铁金相 Gray cast iron metallography

GB/T 金属热处理工艺术语 Terminology of metal heat treatment

GB/T 铸钢件超声探伤及质量评级标准 Methods for ultrasonic testing and for specifying quality levels of steel castings

GB/T 焊接结构用碳素钢铸件 Carbon steel castings suitable for welded structure

GB/T 铸造有色金属及其合金牌脱毛器号表示方法 Designation of cast nonferrous metals and their alloys

GB/T 气体保护电弧焊用碳钢、低合金钢焊丝 Welding wires for gas shielding arc welding of carbon and low alloy steels

GB/T 热处理工艺材料名词术语 The terminology of technological materials for heat treatment

GB/T 抗磨白口铸铁技术条件 Specification for abrasion resistant white cast irons

GB/T 焊条用还原钛铁矿粉中亚铁量的测定 Determination of ferrous iron content in reduced ilmenite powder for welding rod

GB/T 高硅耐蚀铸铁件 Corrosion resistant high silicon iron castings

GB/T 耐热钢铸件 Heat resistant steel casting预计项目投产可实现年销售收入4亿元s

GB/T 一般工程用铸造碳钢金相 Metallograph of cast carbon steels for general engineering purposes

GB/T 齿轮材料及热处理质量检验的一般规定 General specification for quality inspection of gear materials and their heat treatmen济南新时期试金仪器有限公司用心做人、用心做企业t

GB/T 钎缝强度试验方法 Method of the strength test for brazed and soldered seam

GB/T 耐热铸铁件 Heat resistant iron castings

GB/T 铝合金铸件技术条件 Aluminium alloy castings--Technical specification

GB/T 灰铸铁件 Grey iron castings

GB/T 可锻铸铁件 Malleable iron castings

GB/T 球墨铸铁金相检验 Metallographic test for spheroidal graphite cast iron

GB/T 焊接用插销冷裂纹试验方法 Welding--Cold cracking test method using implants

GB/T 焊接接头疲劳裂纹扩展速率试验方法 Test method for fatigue crack growth rates of welded joints

GB 焊接与切割安全 Safety in welding and cutting

GB/T 钢件渗碳淬火有效硬化层深度的测定和校核 Determination and verification of the effective decm;pth of carburizod and hardened cases of steel parts

GB/T 钢件薄表面总硬化层深度或有效硬化层深度的测定 Determination of total or effective thickness of thin surface hardened layers of steel parts

GB/T 热处理炉有效加热区测定方法 Testing method for working zone of heat treating furnace

GB/T 铜及铜合金焊丝 Welding wire and rods of copper and copper alloys

GB/T 铸铁焊条及焊丝 Covered electrodes and welding rods for welding cast iron

GB/T 碳钢药芯焊丝 Carbon steel flux cored wires for arc welding

GB/T 银基钎料 Silver brazing filler metals

GB/T 铝及铝合金焊丝 Aluminium and aluminium alloy welding rods and wires

GB/T 镍基钎料 Nickel base brazing filler metals

GB/T 铸件机械加工余量 Mach并利用1个单向阀门利用吸力固定假肢ining allowances on castings

GB/T 铸件重量公差 Mass tolerances for castings

GB/T 一般工程用铸造碳钢件 Carbon steel castings for general engineering purposes

GB/T 钢铁零件 渗氮层深度测定和金相组织检验 Steel-iron parts Determination of nitrided case depth and metallographic examination of nitriding structure

GB/T 钎焊接头强度试验方法 Methods of the strength tests for brazed and soldered joint

GB/T 钎料铺展性及填缝性试验方法 Test m汽缸垫片ethod of spreadability and clearance filling ability for filler metal

GB/T 熔模铸造用硅砂、粉 Silica sand and flour for investment casting

GB/T 熔模铸造用铝矾土砂、粉 Bauxite sand and flour for investment casting

GB/T 铸造用合脂粘结剂 The residue from distillation of synthetic fatty acids as binder for foundry

GB/T 钢质模锻件 通用技术条件 General specification of steel die forgings

GB/T 钢质模锻件 公差及机械加工余量 Tolerances and machining allowances of steel die forgings

GB/T 锻件功能分类 Classification of forging functions

GB/T 焊接质量保证 钢熔化焊接头的要求和缺陷分级 Quality assurance of welding Requirement for fusion welding joint of steel and classification for imperfection

GB/T 低合金钢埋弧焊用焊剂 Fluxes for the submerged arc welding of low alloy steel

GB/T 金属热处理工艺分类及代号 Classification and designation on metal heat
